This is the last of a three part series exploring chest voice, head voice, and mix (or mixed) voice.
With so many terms to learn about the voice it can get a little confusing. These three are the foundation of the voice and a great place to get started. Let’s jump into mix voice, and why it is so important to find yours!
What Is Mix Voice?
This is where we are able to blend the chest voice with the head voice, so that we can sing from the bottom to the top of our range without a sudden change in quality, and without strain, breaks, or cracks.
If we take just the head voice, we can go really high without too much effort, but there isn’t much power or intensity.
Then we have the chest voice which has intensity, but on its own, it can’t go up that high without causing a lot of strain and tension.

So we need to be in the middle of them and use a mix of both, so that we have the strength and intensity of the yell (or chest voice) and the flexibility of the whoop (or head voice).
We need the CT (head voice) muscles to thin out the chest voice, so we can sing higher without straining or breaking. When the chest voice and the head voice muscles can coordinate and work together, we can sing through our whole range without it sounding like two different voices!
We get that great “mix” sound where we sound like ourselves, no matter where we are in our range.
Book a lesson with me to explore your chest, head, and mix voice!
Links and Resources
The Unlimited Voice Academy (group coaching, courses, exercises library, and community for singers)
Songwriting and Music Production Lessons
The Confident Speaking Voice Power Pack (for Women)
The Confident Speaking Voice Power Pack (For Men)
The Complete Speaking Voice Starter Guide
Guided Meditation for Performers